In the morning the pcs question a few homeless Kelid old people about the seastone statue. An old woman gives up the name Auren Vrood. The formal charges are read against the beast at noon. The pcs head out at about 1:00 to begin investigating. At about 3:00 the pcs meet the traveling freak show known as the Crooked Kin and attempt to rescue the pinhead Aleece with the help of their Strongman Egil trollblood. A dangerous phase spider attacked Egil and he was quickly slain by the poison. After the battle the pcs found the body of Aleece wrapped in webbing. The pcs brought both bodies back to the Crooked Kin for burial. There was much grieving.

The pcs arrive in the swamp village of Morast a while after sunset. The pcs talk with the village elder Lazne. They talk to him about the Beast of Lepidstadt and convince him to boat them to a nearby island. At the island they discover a manticore nest and are attacked by a mated pair of manticores. At firs the pcs seem to be in great danger but Gregor used his powers to ground the manticores one at a time where they were vulnerable.
Then the pcs searched the island and found a camp and a boat that contained evidence that Wretch was not the one attacking villagers. Then the pcs began the journey back to Lepidistatd.