This campaign uses Pathfinder adventure paths with the Dungeons and Dragons Next play test rules.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
4760 Abadius 22nd Ilmarsh, Ustalav (Eric armor day finished)
The pcs use Croon's submersible to travel to the Ulat-Kini tunnels underneath Lake Encarthen near the Tarn Rock. Their new fishman ally convinces the Ulat-Kini guards to assist the pcs.
The creatures swim the pcs a secret entrance. The entrance is sealed by a stone secret door and two special walls of force that seal out everything except living tissue. A short distance into the tunnels the pcs encounter a pair of intellect devourers
but Linkles fireballs them and they are soon slain. Attracted by the noise a Denizen of Leng stepped out in the tunnel and was set upon by the pcs.
Glade cast a wall of fire and another Denizen was attracted by the noise and then a grell also joined the battle. The wall of fire caused some damage and inconvenience but was quickly bypassed so Glade cast moonbeam.
The two deadly creatures fought desperately, and the Denzien managed to dominate Erick for a short time,
but surprised and divided by the pcs they were quickly slain. A flumph was attracted to the noise of battle and approached the pcs speaking psychic gibberish.
The lawful good aberration from the Dark Tapestry appeared to be just another tentacled horror to pcs and was destroyed at range with spells. A short time later the pcs came to a cavern with 3 brain visible Ulat-Kini and a fishmen high priest. The high priest ran for the next cavern while the pcs cut down the other fishmen.
The pcs continued pursuit of the fishman high priest and just a little further into the cave complex and they arrived in a cavern with 2 grells, a denizen of Leng, a gibbering shoggoth, two of the brain visible Ulat-Kini, and the high priest of the Ulat-Kini. The two grell were feeding brainless corpses of humans and fishmen into a machine that was apparently used to mulch the corpses into a usable liquid mush.
The two fishmen with their skull top removed attempted to block the way but were quickly cut down by Gregor and Erick. Some sort of psychic argument occurred between the denizen of Leng and the fishman high priest. While arguing the priest cast defensive spells on himself. This gave the pcs the opportunity to focus on the grells and the shoggoth. After a short time the denizen of Leng ran to his underwater building which freed the priest up to attack the pcs. Gregor ran the gauntlet of the priest's defensive spells before he could go on the offensive and cut him down. It was a difficult battle but with the priest dead and the denizen fled the others were eventually overcome. After the battle Eric thought it best to explore the cavern that the pcs bypassed while in pursuit of the hight priest. In the room Erick saw about two dozen brains in glass jars with floating eyeballs.
The 14 that were still alive attempted to telepathically communicate with Erick. However the disembodied brains were driven mad by their horrific condition and their insane thoughts drove Erick mad. Gregor quickly ran to help Eric and tricked him into exiting the brainjar room. Then the pcs decided that they should secure their flank and take on the fishmen in the breeding rooms. A single Ulat-Kini attempted to attack the pcs' flank. The creature quickly cut him down.
Then the pcs, led by a fishman volunteer, attempted to enter the Illithiad dome but were repulsed by a wall of force. When the wall of force faded the pcs attacked. By then the dread young of Shub-Niggurath was fully formed and joined Denizens of Leng and the intellect devourer controlled fishmen. At first the pcs appeared to be losing as Eric was paralyzed by a hold person spell and the pcs were trapped by a Hunger of Hadar spell cast over their line of retreat. Then Rigby used a magehand spell to grab the Seasage effigy and he dragged it to the pressure seal door. This caused the dark young of Shub-Niggurath to chase after it. The dark young trampled illthiads in his pursuit of the Seasage Effigy. And it also caused conflict between the dark young and the illthiads because the dark young attempted to summon his mother, the Dark Tapestry god Shub-Niggurath.
The Denizens waited to employ their mind blasts until they had a clear line of fire on the pcs. Unfortunately for the Deniznes the pcs resisted the psionic blasts but the dark young did not and suffered serious psychic wounds. The turning point in the battle occurred when Linkles suffered a wild surge that caused everyone near to suffer vulnerability to piercing weapons. While that might have dangerous to the pcs it was disastrous for the creatures from the Dark Tapestry. Eric used his spear to skewer the now-vulnerable heart of the Dark Young. The surviving illthiads thought it best to flee and opened a gate to Leng. They stepped through the gates and escaped to Leng.
After the battle Glade figured out how to destroy the Seasage Effigy by using the trident of Gozreh.

4760 Abadius 19th-21st Ilmarsh, Ustalav (Eric armor day finished)
Gregor asks Croon to create a below system to provide more air for his submersible. It takes three days to complete and install. On the 21st the pcs are approached by the only surviving priest of Dagon.
He asks the pcs to help the neighbors and save them from an invasion of the "Denizens of Leng". The pcs agree with the condition that the priest confess to the villagers of Illmarsh what was really happening to the children. When the pcs meet with the only surviving neighbor or "Ulat-Kini" briefly explains the situation.
The fishman explains that they mistakenly attempted to use the Seasage Effigy to summon a demon servant of Dagon but only summoned creatures from the Dark Tapestry. Eventually they summoned the Denizens of Leng who took over their home tunnels and enslaved them.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
4760 Abadius 18th Ilmarsh, Ustalav (Eric armor day 99/100)
Just before sunrise the pcs sneak into the unguarded temple known as the Recondite Order of the Indomitable Sea. In the hidden room the pcs, excepting only Glade, grease up and don their tar clothes. Glade then cast his water breathing spell. Glade next summons 4 giant catfish which are attached to special net like harnesses and then tied to Linkles, Rigby, Gregor, and Erick. Lastly, after everyone was ready, Glade turned himself into a giant catfish. Thanks to the tar clothes and grease only Rigby suffers minor discomfort due to the cold. About a half hour of fish towing the pcs arrive in the tunnels under Undiomede House. Immediately the pcs begin to hear the noises of combat or a massacre as inhuman cries of pain and a monstrous roaring echo from a distance. Gregor and Erick armor up and hold the narrow exit from the tunnels while Rigby, Linkles, and Glade scout out the dungeon. The 3 scouting pcs begin to search the tunnels. Just a short way ahead the pcs came upon a yellowish lump that was emitting rainbow-like swirls of color. The pcs decide to bypass the strange lump with stealth. Then the pcs come to a dead end cavern that has a bleached out human corpses. One bleached white woman is still alive and is singing to the infant in her arms. The pcs have an extended conversation with the woman and they decide that she is mad. The child she is holding is dead but she doesn't seem to notice. Eventually the pcs decide that the yellow lump is draining the color and life from creatures which apparently causes the "rainbows" as a side effect. The pcs convince the woman that the yellow lump is the cause of the baby "sleeping" and the woman draws a kitchen knife and slashes the lump. The slash seems to release a yellow and red flash of light which fry the woman to a crisp.
The pcs immediately attacked but wisely chose ranged attacks over melee as the bleached mother attempted. The yellow lump absorbed Glade's radiant damage but the combined attacks of the other pcs killed the yellow lump before it could ooze into melee range. The 3 pcs went a bit farther and then they heard an alien voice haranguing in an alien language. The 3 pcs stealthed forward and found a cavern where a large fishman appeared to be giving a pep talk to a group of about 10 smaller fishmen. The fishman keeps speaking the words Dagon, Ulat-Kini, and Shub-Niggurath. Eventually the fishmen are rallied and they organize a military spear column into the nearby cavern.
The pcs can't what happens next but the noise of battle is heard again. The pcs move in close behind the spear column and see a huge tentacled monstrosity on three legs. For a short time that seemed like an eternity the column of fishmen attacked the tentacle monster with ranged spears and daggers at close quarters. Their weapons did little more than scratch the monster while its tentacles tore the fishmen limb from limb. The large leader kept the fish soldiers moving forward to attack and killed any that tried to retreat. After a while the tentacled creature began swaying and chanting which created the spell Hunger of Hadar behind the fishmen and on top of Rigby and Linkles.
Legles thought it wiser to grab Glade and run rather than stay and fight alone. The pcs ran to Gregor and Erick and hid behind them. Glade took a risk and ran out to cast spike stones one more time but this time he hid behind the two human warriors and refused to look at the horrific creature. The dark tapestry monster stepped onto the spike stones, traveled a short distance, and then decided that it was too painful and it retreated. Then the creature used a trial and error strategy to find out when the spike stones expired which resulted in significant damage to the dark tapestry horror and a pause of about an hour in length. During this time Glade convinced Gregor and Eric to use the sword Ovinrbaane one last time.
Then the tentacled horror lumbered to the attack again. But before the creature could lay tentacles upon the human warriors, Eric dealt it a devastating blow with Ovinrbaane. Then Gregor charged his magic sword with radiant power and hit the creature with all his might cutting it in two. As the pcs caught their breath the creature began to melt giving off a smell even more foul than it had in life.
After pulling themselves together the pcs searched the tunnels below Undiomede house. They found a significant horde of ancient coins. They also found a huge glass beaker containing the naked remains of old man. The pcs also found a book, magic trident, and a suit of full chainmail that survived its owner being squeezed out through the rings.

4760 Abadius 15th-17th Ilmarsh, Ustalav (Eric armor day 98/100)
The pcs spend the three days resting and preparing for an expedition through the tunnel underneath the temple of the Recondite Order of the Indomitable Sea. Glade believes the tunnel leads under Undiomede House. Given the cold of the water Glade and Horace Croon design a garment coated in tar to ameliorate the danger of the ice cold water. The pcs also decide to cover themselves in grease to improve their resistance to the cold.
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