The pcs talk to various villagers of Illmarsh. They discover a number of interesting facts, the foremost of which is the existence of the Undiomede House. The pcs decided to travel to Undiomede House rather than swim up the tunnel. The pcs follow an old overgrown road that leads to the dilapidated mansion. After some searching the pcs figure out that Undiomede House is built up on a circle of menhirs or standing stones. In the main entry chamber, which is also the center of the menhirs, the pcs encounter a great female marsh giant wielding a mast.
Despite her size and strength the pcs overwhelm Yib Thoolp and she dies upon the Kellid sacrificial altar.
Eventually Gregor enters a room with giant ticks and he is attacked. However the ticks are slain before they can get past Gregor's armor. After some more searching the pcs find a trio of Dagon priests.

After a short battle the priests are defeated and one is taken prisoner and questioned. The pcs find out that the high priest of Dagon Albor is infected with something called a "moit". As the pcs were winding down the questioning of the prisoner, the voice of Albor Voltiaro drifted down to them from the chimney. Albor admitted to his infection with a "moit" and his impending demise. He asked the pcs to let him leave and travel to the "neighbors" unopposed. Instead the pcs slowly worked their way up the left staircase avoiding all but one ice glyph. As the pcs led by Gregor enter Albor's room, Albor exits and runs for the hole to the menhir room.

Both Glade and Linkles try eventually try to enter the room and both take massive radiant damage and refuse to continue. Albor leaps out the hole and heads to the menhir with the permanent phase portal. Erick leaps over the balcony railing in hot pursuit but twists his ankle and goes berserk. Albor casts barrier blade on Erick's position and then places the deep one amulet in the corresponding recessed area in the menhir. The menhir becomes a unique phase portal and Albor steps through is instantly elsewhere. Eric runs up the left staircase exploding multiple ice glyphs to melee Linkles. The pcs turn on him and Erick quickly drops. Gregor grabs his sword Ovinrbaane and he and Glade put it in the portable hole. Gregor and Rigby search the upper level alone due the forbiddance spell and Erick's injuries. The human and Halfling find the library. When Gregor pulls out the only undamaged book two spectres attack the duo.

The two spectres are no match for the undead smashing power of Gregor backed up by Rigby. The book is the dangerous unholy Dark Tapestry "The Book of Abstruse Geometries" and Gregor and Glade decide to feed the book to their pet bag of devouring. Then the pcs decide to destroy the phase gate standing stone. Linkles and Erick succeed with acid orb. Then Glade uses his flame blade to first destroy the altar and the hidden moits and then enough of the menhirs to make Undiomede House collapse. The pcs then return to Illmarsh and Glade shapeshifts to catfish form and explores the tunnel. A little over an hour later Glade discovers that the underwater tunnel leads to "deep one" guards.

The pcs decide to take a long rest with their friend and inventor.
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