After the pcs successfully complete the ritual they are transported to the Firstworld, specifically Nyrissa's realm of Thousandbreaths. The pcs immediately meet a sphinx by the name of Lorsani. Apparently she is the same fey sphinx that serves in the Crystal Cave.

She tells the pcs that they can only enter Thousandbreaths if they answer at least one of three riddles and that furthermore if they answer all three she will use her time powers to send them back at the exact moment that they left. The pcs manage to answer two of the three and Lorsani tells them if they can come up with the answer to the third she will use her time powers when they need to leave.
The pcs passed between the two iron golems and enter Thousandbreaths forest.

After a short walk the pcs were attacked by animated trees damaged by lightning. The despite their size and strength the living trees are quickly torn apart by the deadly pcs. Another short walk later, the pcs entered a bizarre walled orchard. The orchard trees are growing an impressive crop of huge spikey fruit. As the pcs exited the other side of the orchard they began to realize that the spikey fruit is actually Nyrissa's army of thousands of spikey plantmen.
After another short walk the pcs entered a clearing dominated by a great waterfall. There the pcs were attacked by a pair of great winged owlbears. The poor fey carnivores chose the wrong prey and are cut down before they can do any damage. Then the pcs attempted to cross the river on their portable boat in order to take advantage of the short cut to Nyriss's castle, the House at the Edge of time. Unfortunately Nyrissa's magical control of the rivers make this impossible as the harder they paddled the faster the water flowed and the pcs are swept downstream to the frostgiant's longhouse.
After disembarking from the boat a talled impressive bleeding grey-ginger haired warrior in red cassock ran to them and collapsed. The warrior had only enough time to greet Eric and give his sword over before he was set upon by a fey creature of nightmare, a huge wendigo.

The wendigo disemboweled the warrior and then attacked Eric. The creature was huge and powerful but the pcs ganged up on it and quickly cut it down. After accepting the office of one of Baba Yaga's Riders Eric gained the powers of the Red Rider, called My Red Sun by the planes hopping witch. The pcs decided to attempt to sleep in the giant's longhouse and discovered an act of what appeared to be cannibalism. The pcs attempted to sleep and Linkles was injured by a magical nightmare and Eric was nearly killed.
After a long walk the pcs reached the mesa of the evil Nightmare Rook.

The gigantic bird dive-bombed the party but the pcs gave such a punishing counter attack that the fey bird fled to Nyrissa's castle. After another long walk the pcs circled around the kraken lake of deadly death, wisely choosing not to awake the sleeping cephalopod titan.

Then the pcs climbed a cliff path to the mansion of the Knurly Witch. The witch was in disguise but the pcs were not fooled and soon the witch was begging for mercy

but she receive none except a quick death. Then after a short walk the pcs came to a great beehive like hut. After sneaking in the pcs found a giant fey troll eating gnomes.

The creature attacked and gave the pcs a beating but it could not stand up to the pcs combined power.
The pcs were forced to back track and eventually ended up at a great tower. Inside the tower was a milk maid and her dairy cow. The pcs were not fooled by this illusion and attacked the disguised medusa and gorgon.

Dangerous as they are, the two petrifying creatures could be, they were still slain before anyone could be turned into a statue.
After a long hike the pcs at last reached Nyrissa's House at the Edge of Time. The curtain wall was patrolled by eladrin ghost archers and the pcs engaged in a ranged duel to defeat them. Two ghosts dropped off the wall attempting to possess the pcs but were repulsed and cut down.

Eventually all the elf ghosts were slain. Then a rope was dropped from the curtain wall which only Glade and Gregor could see. In fact it was intangible to the other pcs as well. When Glade and Gregor climbed to the top there they found the flesh golem Wretch.

The golem was invisible and intangible to the other pcs but Glade and Gregor had a conversation with it which reportedly concerned how the golem was ignored and mistreated by the two pcs.
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