The pcs arrive in the destroyed city of Adorak and began to make their way toward the tower of Gallowspire.

After less than an hour of travel the pcs were approached by a hooded figure calling himself Blackhands that turned out to be an elven revenant forever cursed to seek revenge against the Whispering Tyrant Tar-Baphon. With Blackhand's help the pcs were able to easily negotiate Adorak's dangers avoiding sink holes and a deadly dracolich named Marrowgarth.

On reaching Gallowspire the pcs found the main entrance barred and magically locked so they were forced climb the outside of the enchanted tower. This was made even more dangerous in that condemned prisoners were bound to the tower by hooks and crow-cages after transformation to undead. Additionally the top of Gallowspire was surrounded by a corona of hundreds of flying incorporeal undead. As the pcs made their way up the side, they were taunted by Whispering Way cultists who sacrificed Count Galdana and threw his body at the pcs. The sacrificed Count Galadana was the last of Tar-Baphon's direct descendants and thus the last ingredient needed to create the Carrion Crown. The Carrion Crown spun and created a great purple light before it sped off releasing all the wards keeping Tar-Baphon prisoner. The pcs pursued the fleeing Whispering Way cultists down an animated skeleton spiral stair case. The staircase aided the cultists but deliberately hindered the pcs. After some struggles with the tower's anti-gravity center core the pcs used magic to reach the fleeing cultists and quickly cut them down. After reaching the bottom of the hollowed out tower, the pcs descended to the first underground level on the same skeleton spiral staircase. At each entrance to each level there was a deadly trap but each was easily defeated by the trapping skills of Rigby the halfling. On the next level they discovered a circular chamber holding 9 angels trapped forever in their dead bodies by Tar-Baphon's magic. Gregor released the suffering creatures with the gift of true death. The pcs then descended to the next dungeon level which contained a demonic spider known as a beblith.

The pcs set the spider-demon's webs on fire and attacked at range. Already seriously wounded climbing the wall toward the pcs, the formidable creature was held back by Blackhands who was immune to the demon's deadly venom while the party destroyed it with withering ranged attacks. It was quickly cast down to smash to the floor. The pcs then descended to the next level where they came upon a fire elemental cursed with dark necrotic magics. Again the pcs used ranged attacks from the skeleton spiral staircase to decimate the creature before it could close with them. At the bottom of the fire elemental's level, the trap door in the floor led, not to the bone staircase, but to a 150' foot shaft.
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