Saturday, December 28, 2013

4759 Calistril 11th Ravengro, Canterwall county in Ustalav

The pcs rise early and find that a Varisian "O" rune was inscribed on the memorial statue.
Gregor went to fetch Father Grimburrow and he agrees but he has no memory of the previous day and Gregor is forced to repeat the request for aid a second time.
The party enters Harrowstone yet again and heads almost directly upstairs to confront the Piper of Ilmarsh. The party is quickly surrounded 10 shadow-stirges as well as the Piper. The situation looks dire but Father Grimburrow used the Pharasma amulet from Father Charlatan's necklace bundle and destroys all but one of the shadow-stirges which is quickly put down. The pcs gang up on the piper and he is quickly destroyed. After destroying some skeletons in prison cells the pcs the pcs open the door to Father Charlatan's cell. The pcs quickly almost destroy Father Charlatan but he flees through the wall and possesses Father Grimburrow.
 Grimburrow/Charlatan attempts to flee but is trapped and beaten unconscious by the pcs. The Gregor and the rest of the pcs then took Grimburrow/Charlatan back to the Pharasma temple and was seen by many of the citizens of Ravengro. A rumor that he was dead started to spread. After a lengthy discussion and a turning which included all of Father Grimburrow's acolytes the pcs give up and allow Grimburrow/Charlatan to accompany them in Harrowstone. Grimburrow/Charlatan suggests that he use the temple funds to purchase a ring of featherfalling and the pcs agree. On the way to Harrowstone Grimburrow/Charlatan and the pcs head to the money lender/pawn shop the Silk Purse run by Luramin Taigh and Quess Yearburn and he buys the feather fall ring using the temple treasury for 5,000gp. The pcs, without Grimburrow/Charlatan, parley with Vesorianna and learn much about Harrowstone.
 pcs then head to the elevator and feather fall in turns down the "shaft". After leaving the collapsed elevator shaft cavern the pcs are attacked by four more shadow prisoners.

At that point Father Charlatan shouts a warning to the Splatterman and is thereby ejected from Father Grimburrow's body who flees towards the Splatterman. Three of the shadows attack Father Grimburrow and weaken him with their death touch. A powerful magic missile spell from the Splatterman overkilled poor Father Grimburrow. 
Kendra drops the Splatterman's spellbook and hits the Splatterman with a magic missile spell. The Splatterman retreats and begins casting a series of defensive spells. Hadhod recovers the spellbook. Gregor summons Chloros and attempts to melee him but is stymied by a rusty portcullis. The remaining shadow prisoners attack Kendra but are destroyed by the pcs. The pcs attempt to escape but the Splatterman uses dimension door to teleport to the 1st floor and he "cuts" the pcs' rope which falls into the underground pond. As the pcs begin to respond to the idea of being trapped underground by with the Splatterman, the ghost's blink spell misfires and it traps him in the ethereal plane for 9 hours. Once the pcs figure out that the Splatterman has disappeared, Glade shapechanges into a bat and flies to the first floor in order to get a rope down the elevator shaft. The pcs retreat to Vesorannia and rest there. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

4759 Calistril 10th Ravengro, Canterwall county in Ustalav

The pcs decide to stake out the Harrowstone Memorial statue for the night but only a small squad of skeletons appears and they are quickly dispatched. At sunrise the Varisian rune for "S" appears on the town hall door. And the wind slowly picks up and a light snowfall begins.
The pcs head back to Kendra's and rest 8 hours so that Glade can get his spells back. In the afternoon the Gregor talks Father Grimburrow into helping them investigate Harrowstone. The party now includes the pcs plus Kendra and Father Grimburrow. Most of the party stays at the gate to the grounds and Hadhod and Father Grimburrow explore. They find that all the towers are infested with rats. The small manor house is near collapse and the east side of the prison has collapsed. Hadhod and Grimborrow climbed the stairs to the west balcony and defeated an animated executioner's scythe. 
After multiple attempts Hadhod climbs to the top of the east side only to be strangled by a living vine.
The vine was destroyed thanks to Grimburrow's holy white fire. Then Hadhod took a few steps into the 2nd floor but retreated when he heard eerie flute music. Then they retreated and rejoined the party. The full group began searching the first floor. They easily destroyed an enemy spirit. Then using cold magic they destroyed the haunt in the furnace. Then they found the guard training room that used to contain the elevator to the basement level. Glade accidently knocked a skull down the elevator "shaft" and 7 shadows attacked the party. A TPK seemed in the offing.

Lauren was killed with one death touch from a shadow and could not be saved. Kendra was severely wounded and fled in terror with a shadow in pursuit. Then Father Grimburrow turned undead and destroyed 6 of the 7 shadows. The final shadow was quickly put to rest. The pcs then found a room where prisoner possessions where kept. They also found the secret door to the magical items used by the 5 notorious prisons. There was a great axe for the Lopper, a spellbook for the Splatterman, a maul for the Mosswater Marauder, a bundle of holy symbol amulets for Father Charlatan, and a silver flute for the Piper of Ilmarsh. The pcs ran through a room with a cold haunt and then returned and dispelled the cold haunt with fire. Then the pcs decided to leave and rest and more importantly burry their dead. On the way to the temple a number of villagers see the pcs carrying Lauren's corpse. As the pcs near the temple a shadow came out of Lauren's body and attacked the party but it was quickly destroyed in the failing light.


4759 Calistril 9th Ravengro, Canterwall county in Ustalav

Once again there is a disturbance in the morning and once again a bloody rune is written on the statue's base. This time is the rune for "E". The pcs quickly return to their research and this time they discover a number of critical facts. There were 5 dangerous serial killers imprisoned at Harrowstone at the time of the riot and resulting fire; the Splatterman, the Piper of Illmarsh, the Mosswater Maurader, Father Charlatan, and the Lopper. The pcs uncovered a great deal of information about the Splatterman and Father Charlatan but very little about the others.

Just prior to sunset the pcs quickly explore the grounds of Harrowstone Prison. They locate the ritual runes and Kendra tells the pcs that the ritual was abjuration and necromancy magic meant to weaken the ghost of Warden Hawkran for some unknown reason.

4759 Calistril 8th Ravengro, Canterwall county in Ustalav

The pcs and Kendra are woken by a disturbance. Many citizens of Ravengro are heading to the Harrowstone Memorial statue. There written in blood is the Varisian rune for "V".

A short while later the pcs led by Gregor go to Councilman Vashian's mansion to get permission to search the town hall archives. Vashian agreed but only as long as he came along as well. Little of use was found that day.

4759 Calistril 7th Ravengro, Canterwall county in Ustalav

Kendra and the pcs get up at sunrise and prepare for the funeral. Professor Petros Lorrimor's body is taken by cart to the southeastern entrance of the Restlands and from there Kendra, Gregor, Hadhod, and Glade are the pallbearers through the Restlands. Only a handful of Ravengro citizens attend the funeral. There is a mob awaiting the procession at the intersection of the Dreamwake and Eversleep.

 A retired soldier and local drunk named Gibs Hephenus tells the party that they will not allow Professor Lorrimor to be buried in the Restlands. Gregor uses his divine power to create a booming voice that shames the mob and they disperse.
The pcs return to Lorrimor mansion for the reading of the will.
Kendra used the key that fell out of the will to open a wooden chest. Meanwhile Hadhod noticed the remains of a burned book in the Professor's bedroom fireplace.

As the pcs peruse the remains of Professor Lorrimor's journal Kendra opens the chest and is very upset to find a number of books that are all but illegal to own.
On Verified Madness: This sickly green book is a treatise on aberrations and other entities found on Golarion that possess remote ties to the Dark Tapestry, the name given to the dark places between the stars in the night sky. Serving Your Hunger: This text is a copy of one of several unholy books sacred to the goddess Urgathoa. Umbral Leaves: This lexicon is a translation into Common of the unholy book of Zon-Kuthon. Lorrimor’s notations liberally sprinkle the margins. The Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye: This book has a note indicating it should be delivered to Embreth Daramid, a judge at the Lepidstadt Courthouse.

Just prior to nightfall Hadhod and Gregor go to see the female dwarf smith Jorfa to discuss armor and weapons.