Gregor went to fetch Father Grimburrow and he agrees but he has no memory of the previous day and Gregor is forced to repeat the request for aid a second time.

Grimburrow/Charlatan attempts to flee but is trapped and beaten unconscious by the pcs. The Gregor and the rest of the pcs then took Grimburrow/Charlatan back to the Pharasma temple and was seen by many of the citizens of Ravengro. A rumor that he was dead started to spread. After a lengthy discussion and a turning which included all of Father Grimburrow's acolytes the pcs give up and allow Grimburrow/Charlatan to accompany them in Harrowstone. Grimburrow/Charlatan suggests that he use the temple funds to purchase a ring of featherfalling and the pcs agree. On the way to Harrowstone Grimburrow/Charlatan and the pcs head to the money lender/pawn shop the Silk Purse run by Luramin Taigh and Quess Yearburn and he buys the feather fall ring using the temple treasury for 5,000gp. The pcs, without Grimburrow/Charlatan, parley with Vesorianna and learn much about Harrowstone.
pcs then head to the elevator and feather fall in turns down the "shaft". After leaving the collapsed elevator shaft cavern the pcs are attacked by four more shadow prisoners.
At that point Father Charlatan shouts a warning to the Splatterman and is thereby ejected from Father Grimburrow's body who flees towards the Splatterman. Three of the shadows attack Father Grimburrow and weaken him with their death touch. A powerful magic missile spell from the Splatterman overkilled poor Father Grimburrow. 

Kendra drops the Splatterman's spellbook and hits the Splatterman with a magic missile spell. The Splatterman retreats and begins casting a series of defensive spells. Hadhod recovers the spellbook. Gregor summons Chloros and attempts to melee him but is stymied by a rusty portcullis. The remaining shadow prisoners attack Kendra but are destroyed by the pcs. The pcs attempt to escape but the Splatterman uses dimension door to teleport to the 1st floor and he "cuts" the pcs' rope which falls into the underground pond. As the pcs begin to respond to the idea of being trapped underground by with the Splatterman, the ghost's blink spell misfires and it traps him in the ethereal plane for 9 hours. Once the pcs figure out that the Splatterman has disappeared, Glade shapechanges into a bat and flies to the first floor in order to get a rope down the elevator shaft. The pcs retreat to Vesorannia and rest there.
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