The pcs head back to Kendra's and rest 8 hours so that Glade can get his spells back. In the afternoon the Gregor talks Father Grimburrow into helping them investigate Harrowstone. The party now includes the pcs plus Kendra and Father Grimburrow. Most of the party stays at the gate to the grounds and Hadhod and Father Grimburrow explore. They find that all the towers are infested with rats. The small manor house is near collapse and the east side of the prison has collapsed. Hadhod and Grimborrow climbed the stairs to the west balcony and defeated an animated executioner's scythe.
After multiple attempts Hadhod climbs to the top of the east side only to be strangled by a living vine. 

The vine was destroyed thanks to Grimburrow's holy white fire. Then Hadhod took a few steps into the 2nd floor but retreated when he heard eerie flute music. Then they retreated and rejoined the party. The full group began searching the first floor. They easily destroyed an enemy spirit. Then using cold magic they destroyed the haunt in the furnace. Then they found the guard training room that used to contain the elevator to the basement level. Glade accidently knocked a skull down the elevator "shaft" and 7 shadows attacked the party. A TPK seemed in the offing.
Lauren was killed with one death touch from a shadow and could not be saved. Kendra was severely wounded and fled in terror with a shadow in pursuit. Then Father Grimburrow turned undead and destroyed 6 of the 7 shadows. The final shadow was quickly put to rest. The pcs then found a room where prisoner possessions where kept. They also found the secret door to the magical items used by the 5 notorious prisons. There was a great axe for the Lopper, a spellbook for the Splatterman, a maul for the Mosswater Marauder, a bundle of holy symbol amulets for Father Charlatan, and a silver flute for the Piper of Ilmarsh. The pcs ran through a room with a cold haunt and then returned and dispelled the cold haunt with fire. Then the pcs decided to leave and rest and more importantly burry their dead. On the way to the temple a number of villagers see the pcs carrying Lauren's corpse. As the pcs near the temple a shadow came out of Lauren's body and attacked the party but it was quickly destroyed in the failing light.
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