Tuesday, July 1, 2014

4759 Gozran 14th Felgrau, Ustalav

Late PM
The pcs arrive on the outskirts of Felgrau. They see a tree with werewolves hanging from the branches. The pcs walk up to the tree and are attacked by what is apparently a hangman tree. Hadhod is nearly lynched to death but Glade sets the tree on fire and kills the tree. Then the pcs are sneaking through Felgrau. They are attacked by three mutated werewolves that talk about Hadhod and some wolf spirit.

The werewolves are literally torn apart by Gregor's magic silver sword. The the pcs sneak through the town. They are attacked by a ghost but they put it down before it can possess anyone. Then they stumble across the Prince's Wolves and gain some useful information. Just before reaching the keep they are heard by a Whispering Way cultist and his platoon of skeletons. The cultist began screaming that the "werewolves" were attacking. The hue and cry was picked up by surrounding cultists and in the general tumult a continuous trickle of werewolves and a torrent of skeletons (with cultist leaders) headed in the pcs direction. There followed a 3 way battle battle with the cultists and skeletons against the demon wolves against the pcs. The skeletons generally went attempted to surround the werewolves in order to cut them down.

 The werewolves often attacked Hadhod in order to "turn" him so they only bit him. They would not claw him in order to reduce the chances of killing him out right. For his part Hadhod used Gregor's silver sword on the Demon Wolves to great effect. Gregor destroyed skeletons easily until, eventually, even Auren Vrood was awakened by the clamor and entered battle.

 The cunning use of a command spell by Gregor knocked Auren out the air and ruined his fly spell. A combination of turning and spike growth by Glade obliterated the majority of the skeleton horde. Auren's death at the hands of Gregor and finally Glade caused the cultists to route but not until they ordered the remaining undead to kill everything. The pcs lured the remaining skeletons into the spike growth were they were destroyed. The pcs then looted Auren's lair and discovered a cryptic poem. They also uncover what appears to be the remnants an art project made out of bones. That is tools used to carve bone, carved and broken fragments of bone. What they were making is unknown.

4759 Gozran 8th-14th Ustalaz

The pcs travel at speed from Lepidistadt to Felgrau which is near the furrows.

4759 Gozran 6th-8th Ustalav Vieland Lepidistadt

Gregor persuades Father Eswayne Cidaimoikis high priest of Gravecharge temple to scry for first Auren Vrood and then later for Kendra Lorrimor. Gregor at first believes that Kendra is being held at Harrowstone prison but Hadhod reminded him that it collapsed. Eventually on the 8th they figure out that Kendra is being held at the village of Feldgrau near the Furrows.

4759 Gozran 6th Ustalav Vieland at Schloss Caromarc

Hadhod and Glade arrive in Lepidistadt.

4759 Gozran 3rd-5th Ustalav Vieland

Gregor rides to Lepidestadt at speed on Chloros. Glade and Hadhod remain at Schloss Caromarc. Gregor finds out that Kendra has been kidnapped by the Whispering Way and that they threaten to maim and murder her if the pcs don't leave Ustalav. Glade returns to Schloss Caromarc at speed. Meanwhile a mimic attempted to join the party but Hadhod threw it off a cliff. Gregor races ahead and returns to Lepidistadt.