Sunday, September 6, 2015

4760 Pharast 24th Pitax in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The servants of Jhofre Calavari pick up the pcs in the woods and take them via dingy and then merchant ship to the port of Pitax. While on the ship Gregor and Eric are shaved and provided with toupees and clothing to pass for drovers. Once the pcs disembark at Pitax they are taken to the Vascari warehouse where they are given wagons with empty barrels.
Glade and Rigby are hidden in two separate barrels while Gregor, Eric, and Linkles drive the wagon to the Turning Wheel where cheese and sausage are made and shipped. There they meet the owner Ingras Quill. Her son was executed for daring to question King Irrovetti's fitness to rule and therefore she is willing to take risks for the pcs. After a brief discussion the pcs are put into the barrels and sausages and cheese are place on top of them. Three different but similar looking drovers take over the wagon and take the pcs to the palace. There the pcs are unloaded and carried to the pantry by the servants of the king. After a lengthy discussion the pcs decide stay in place and allow Glade to scout the palace in spider form. Glade worked his way through the castle but eventually he was spotted by a hungry troll. The troll ate what he thought was a spider but upon the destruction of his arachnid body Glade shot up to his normal size and broke the troll's jaw. While the troll was dis oriented and in pain Glade made good his escape. Glade returned to the pcs in animal form and the pcs decided to rest and give him one more chance to scout. So the pcs rest and hid for 24 hours.

4760 Pharast 21st-23rd Pitax in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The pcs wait in the forest while Jhofre Vascari works out a plan to get the pcs into the palace.

4760 Pharast 18th-20th Pitax in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The Glade and Linkles, led by Rigby, scout out the city of Pitax. Rigby first makes contact with the Pitax thieves guild. He finds out that the guild supports King Castruccio Irrioventi. Rigby also finds out that the guild is fine with any property crimes committed against the merchant families of Pitax. Eventually Rigby and Linkles make contact with the Vascari merchant family. The head of the family, Jhofre Vascari, agrees to help the pcs assassinate the king.

4760 Pharast 17th in forest near Pitax in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The pcs set up camp and plan their foray to Pitax. It is decided that Eric and Gregor are too well known due to their success in the Rushlight Tournament and therefor they will remain in the base camp.

4760 Pharast 8th-16th in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The pcs travel to the capital city of Pitax.

4760 Pharast 7th in Solvania in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The pcs practice hiding in the portable hole while Rigby sneaks around. The pcs have about 3 minutes before they run out of air and begin to suffocate.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

4760 Pharast 6th in Solvania in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The pcs plan their attack on King Castruccio Irrovetti.

4760 Calistril 27th to Pharast 5th in Solvania in the Stolen Lands in the Riverlands

The pcs take advantage of some down time as they consider their next move against King Castruccio Irrovetti. Rigby goes to the wizard guild to discuss rituals and his cloaker cloak. Glade sells items to the crown such as the red "fish" gold items.

4760 Abadius 23rd to Calistril 26th from Ustalav to the Riverlands

The pcs travel back to Solvannia. After two days of travel Glade finds a dryad tree and uses it to cross the barrier between worlds to the Crystal Cave. Once there he speaks to the immortal Green Man and then continues on to the fey copse north of Solvannia. He arrives about three weeks before the pcs. Once there he plants one of his magic beans and receives a clutch of magic eggs but has no idea what they do. Then he slowly travels to the capital while helping peasants along the way.

4760 Abadius 23rd Ilmarsh, Ustalav (Eric armor day finished)

The pcs spend one day resting at Illmarsh. The one surviving priest of Dagon fulfills his promise and confesses to the villagers that the first born females were being given as brides to the Ulat-Kini fishmen. Itn a rage he villagers chase the priest down and lynch him.