Saturday, November 30, 2013

4759 Calistril 6th Ravengro, Canterwall county in Ustalav

The pcs arrive at Professor Petros Lorrimor's home just before sunset. Kendra Lorrimor is talking to Adivion Adrissant, Gregor's trueborn half-brother. Apparently Adivion meant to leave before Gregor showed up. Adivion spoke with Gregor briefly and gave him the last suit of armor on display at Adrissant manor, reluctantly it seems. Adivion quickly left. After a brief conversation Kendra gives Gregor his copy of her father's will and tells him that the funeral can now take place tomorrow, if Gregor and some of the pcs will serve as pallbearers. The official reading of the will can take place after the funeral. The pcs are offered free room and board at the small Lorrimor mansion as long as they are in Ravengro. Kendra retires to her room followed shortly by the pcs. Gregor sits vigil over Professor Lorrimor's body over night as per Pharasman custom.


4759 Calistril 5th the county of Canterwall in Ustalav

Glade, Gregor, and Loren all had an identical nightmare simultaneously. A royally garbed skeleton encased in blazing purple energy attacked the camp and killed Loren and Gregor but the creature was in turn slain by Hadhod and Glade. Hadhod never had this dream as he was on watch. Loren and Gregor only remember the dream up to the point where they died and woke up. Only Glade witnessed the victory of the surviving party members. After the battle Gregor told his friends that he thought the skeleton might have been the supposedly invincible lich Tar-Baphon.

4759 Calistril 2nd-4th the Ardeal county of Ustalav

The pcs follow an overgrown footpath but despite a feeling of unease they are not attacked.

4759 Calistril 1st the Furrows in Ustalav

While skirting the edge of the cursed Furrows area the pcs are attacked by a huge contingent of 43 skeleton soldiers. At first the pcs were in a near panic but Hadhod wanted to stand and fight so Gregor rode to the front of skeleton column. It seemed a hopeless last stand until Glade casted a spike growth spell. Oblivious to the danger the majority of the stupid skeletons walked into the spell and were destroyed. The few that were left were cut down with some effort and the only casualty was Hadhod's mount.

4759 Abadius 18th-31st the Northern Riverlands just past the border of Ustalav to Carrion Hill

A reduced group of pcs consisting of Gregor, Glade, Hadhod, and Lauren travel towards Ustalav. Early on in the trip the party attempt to shelter in a cave held by a cave bear. Hadhod is nearly slain a number of times before the bear is brought down. A few days later Glade achieves a solo kill against a toad by forcing it to flee and keeps all the xp for himself.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

4758 Lamashan 4th to 4759 Abadius 16th the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

Duchess Solvanna consolidated her hold on the Greenbelt. The swordlords of Brevoy slowly began sending colonists and materials to develop and civilize the Greenbelt. Solvanna began building a town. On the 16th of Abadius Gregor received a note from Kendra Lorrimor indicating that her beloved father, Professor Petros Lorrimor was dead. The noted begged Gregor to return to the Ravengro with all haste.

4758 Lamashan 4th the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The pcs returned to ruins and dug out the trapdoor. Glade used wind magic to clear out the air. Then the pcs looted the Staglord's treasure and returned to Oleg's.

4758 Lamashan 3rd the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The assault force began to move in on the Staglord's fortress just after midnight. The party of goblins got lost and were eaten by the zombies. Glade and Hadhod stumbled into a zombie landmine and crushed it. After much frustrated discussion the assault group decided to use Gregor as a zombie mine sweeper and they made a beeline for the fortress. Once there Hadhod climbed the palisade quietly and lifted the gate bar and set the bar and then door down quietly.

The assault force's slingers, archers, and crossbowman began firing on the guards while Hadhad, Ulfgar, and Gregor began attacking the bandits in the tents. Glade use a flaming sphere to burn down the gate to the owlbear's cage.

 Chaos reigned and the assault force destroyed most of the bandits before they could organize. Gregor killed Auchs and Devon in single combat.

Lauren crept up on the Staglord and attacked him with wand and sword. Before the Staglord could crush Lauren the other pcs finally arrived and ganged up on the Staglord. Drunk as he was he never managed to hit a single pc. Eventually he slain by a rapier thrust through the back by Lauren.

The castle was close to fully engulfed in flame by then and most of the pcs retreated. Glade stayed long enough to save the owlbear. Lauren stayed long enough to kill a nearly dead Arrikos and he pocketed the choicest items from the Staglord's personal horde.
Then the pcs waited for morning and then investigated the ruins. The coals were still too hot to be safe so they decided to wait a day and try again.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

4758 Lamashan 2nd the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The pcs with their soldiers and goblin and kobold allies march to the forest under cover of darkness and rest and hide during the day. After nightfall they begin to organize their attack on the Staglord's fortress.

4758 Rova 26th to Lamashan 1st the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The raiding party travels first to the Sootscale kobolds. The kobolds agree to send five archers on the raid against the Staglord's fortress but only if a like number of goblins join the expedition. Hadhod and Glade went to negotiate with the Soretoe goblins and five goblin archers join the expedition. The large group wends its way to the edge of the forest and follows that to the river trail and then they follow the river trail until they are a 20 minute walk to the Staglord's fortress. The raiding party is hiding in the bushes and tall grass near the river. Just after night falls Glade shifts to bat form and scouts the fortress a second time as an ethereal bat. He returns before midnight and tells the party about the underground level.

The pcs decide to retreat back to the treeline in order to allow Glade to rest and recharge his shapechange.

4758 Rova 23rd-25th the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The pcs meet a half elven adventurer name Loren. After demonstrating his skills to Hadhod he was recruited to the party. Hadhod traveled the short distance to Bokken and gave him the tazeltworm head in trade for 600gp worth of potions. The soldiers from Brevoy were asked to join the punitive expedition against the Staglord's fortress. Gear was organized and food was purchased.

4758 Rova 20th-22nd the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The pcs travel back to Oleg's. Just as they came in sight of the inn fortress a firepelt puma attacked the dwarven brothers. Ulfgar and the firepelt traded maulings but a hammer blow from Hadhod sent it fleeing.