Saturday, November 9, 2013

4758 Lamashan 3rd the Greenbelt in the Stolen Lands in the Northern Riverlands

The assault force began to move in on the Staglord's fortress just after midnight. The party of goblins got lost and were eaten by the zombies. Glade and Hadhod stumbled into a zombie landmine and crushed it. After much frustrated discussion the assault group decided to use Gregor as a zombie mine sweeper and they made a beeline for the fortress. Once there Hadhod climbed the palisade quietly and lifted the gate bar and set the bar and then door down quietly.

The assault force's slingers, archers, and crossbowman began firing on the guards while Hadhad, Ulfgar, and Gregor began attacking the bandits in the tents. Glade use a flaming sphere to burn down the gate to the owlbear's cage.

 Chaos reigned and the assault force destroyed most of the bandits before they could organize. Gregor killed Auchs and Devon in single combat.

Lauren crept up on the Staglord and attacked him with wand and sword. Before the Staglord could crush Lauren the other pcs finally arrived and ganged up on the Staglord. Drunk as he was he never managed to hit a single pc. Eventually he slain by a rapier thrust through the back by Lauren.

The castle was close to fully engulfed in flame by then and most of the pcs retreated. Glade stayed long enough to save the owlbear. Lauren stayed long enough to kill a nearly dead Arrikos and he pocketed the choicest items from the Staglord's personal horde.
Then the pcs waited for morning and then investigated the ruins. The coals were still too hot to be safe so they decided to wait a day and try again.

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