Saturday, November 22, 2014

4759 Rova 13th Solvania, in the Greenbelt, in the Stolen Lands, in the Riverlands (Eric armor day 6/100)

An hour before midnight the dwarven secret door opens and a troll steps out into the darkness.
The pcs wait until several trolls exit on to the cliff ramp and then they attack. The pcs soon realize they have bit off more than they can chew. The troll leap off the ledge and attack the pcs from the flank trusting to their regeneration to heal the falling damage. Soon the pcs are nearly surrounded and are forced to flee before they were trapped. Glade turned into a small snake and hid in cluster of bushes. Gregor allowed himself to be surrounded to distract the trolls and they he used his misty step spell to teleport away.

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